Thursday, September 29, 2011


Close Your Eyes...


If a dream is realistic, it's not really a dream. It's a to-do. - Kim and Jason Kotecki

Go ahead. Don't be afraid. Dream. What do you see? I see a brilliant blue sky with puffy marshmallow clouds and I start to float away. Weightless (no worry about those chunky chocolate cookies I just ate. Or that I experimented and tried dipping them in Hershey's chocolate syrup too. Yum).

OK. Forget about the chocolate chip cookies. Try again to focus. Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Feel your muscles begin to unwind and untie those knots. The tension is ebbing. Wait for it. Calgon will take you away.

Now I see a warm, sunny bayou. It is soooo relaxing and calm. Your heart rate is slow, strong, and even. What do you hear? At first I hear silence. Aaahh. Then I hear the wings of a tiny hummingbird. Ohhh but I do not see him. Does not mean that he is not with me? You are full of nature's joy, relaxed, peaceful, and filled with bliss. No worries. No annoying aches. Samahdi.

Time's up. Say your prayers and you can come back down to earth now. Deep sigh. Time to go to work. But don't worry, we can do this together again tomorrow. The best things in life really are free. Sometimes we just don't take a mindful moment to read the price tag. One Love and Peace.

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__________ROY G. BIV

__________ROY G. BIV
Prism Captured Under the Crimson King. Photographer's beginning luck. Fine example of serendipity. Can't remember now of what I was really trying to take a picture."


A Love of Nature
Fascination with Color

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths that we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
-Author Unknown

Over time I've learned not to fight a lot of things, including what my art looks like. Today, it comes from my soul and I allow it only to be source of joy. It has become one of my essential ingredients for happiness.

" The 3 essential elements of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
-Alan K. Chalmers

“First I dream my painting. Then I paint my dream” – Vincent van Gogh.

While my paintings are escapism, the real world reminds me daily of the work we have yet to do and the purpose that we serve. “To whom much is given, much is expected.” - Luke 12: 48

Welcome to My First Art Show in the Courtyard

Welcome to My First Art Show in the Courtyard
"Had lots of fun being a quirky artiste for a day! There was a cool band that played some great classic rock tunes. The temperature was well into the nineties. I loved basking in the sunshine. If you enjoy talking about art, this is a really easy way of meeting interesting people."